Sunday, April 03, 2011

Introducing the Piano to my Toddler

Miss K has been exhibiting an interest in the keyboard at YeYe's home for a while now.

She has also been bobbing along to music during our car rides, often steals a dance during Cbeebies's Boogie Beebies program and her teacher has been commenting that she loves all the sing and dance sessions in school.

The digital piano, which I bought 5 years ago is finally being put into good use.

This week, I started with  middle C.

That being said, we actually spend most of our weekend piano sessions singing and playing 'Twinkle, twinkle little star', 'Baa-Baa-Black Sheep' and a short line from the 'Gingerbread Man' which the little one is rather obsessed with right now.
Miss K seems pretty enthusiastic about the piano. She will hold my hand and guide me towards the piano and says "Mama, play", and when she is seated she will want " Mama play star" (i.e. wants mama to play twinkle twinkle little star)
I started on the piano at 5 years old, Miss K is only 19 months...I am not sure how long this enthusiasm will last!

My Little Pianist :)

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